Annual report

At the end of each financial year, the preparation of the financial statements, also known as annual accounts, takes place. Every company is required to produce financial statements which provide information about their annual financial position and performance.

Especially the tax authorities and stakeholders are interested in the annual accounts.  VST Accountants & Advisers can prepare the financial statements for your company consisting of:

  1. A balance sheet;
  2. An income statement (or profit and loss account);
  3. Equity statement;
  4. Cash flow statement;
  5. Notes concerning the financial statements/annual accounts.

VST Accountants & Advisers can prepare an annual report which meets all requirements. If you prepare the accounts yourself we can check whether they meet the Cypriot requirements. The financial report offers you and interested parties (stakeholders and tax authorities) information about your company’s financial situation.

Would you like us to prepare or check any financial statements/annual accounts, please do not hesitate to contact us.